I was soo hopeful for this recipe - I mean it sounded so good! Banana bread with a coconut flavor...mmm. This was the first recipe I made with my new grain-free plan in mind and it was so/so. I was bummed - I really, really wanted to love it! They looked nice, and they felt like they would have a pretty good texture...but after letting one cool for 15 min, and putting butter on it, I took a bite and it was mushy. Not like "I can't eat another bite it's so gross" mushy - but definitely not a texture I am excited to eat. It was also very coconut flavored - I used the coconut flour and the coconut oil (I think next time I will use butter instead). I have had recipes before that got better after they cooled, so I waited an hour and it was better but still very blah. Having said that - I ate 4 on Saturday because I was hungry all day, my stomach did not know what to do without bread to fill it up, and I ate all day! :) I put the remaining muffins in an airtight container and refrigerated them, and on Sunday they were better but still nothing to be excited about. I tried one this morning and it was a lot better - so if you follow the recipe make them at least one/two days ahead. I am going to try replacing the coconut flour with almond or cashew flour - I think it will give the muffins a better texture and flavor.
Coconut Flour Banana Muffins
5 eggs
2 bananas
1/4 cup coconut oil or butter (softened)
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
small amount of milk to thin (may not need)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Put all of the ingredients in a stand mixer (or use a hand mixer or immersion blender), mix until the batter is smooth and well incorporated. If the batter is too thick, add a little milk to thin, but don't let it get runny at all. Grease muffin tins and evenly distribute the batter - I got 12 muffins using a 1/4 cup measuring cup. Bake for 13-18 minutes until lightly browned and set in middle.
I got the recipe
here - I definitely want to play around with it to see if I can make it a little tastier. Anyone else have a good banana bread recipe that is grain-free?? I need something I can use as breakfast in the morning on my way out the door.
Also, I have to say the most surprising thing about going grain free is how many eggs I have to use in recipes - this one has 5 eggs. Since Saturday morning I have used 16 eggs - usually I go through 12-18 in 2 weeks!!
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