Wednesday, November 16, 2016

That Hair!!

Being a parent is full of decisions - some small, some big, some that you never think about but just do, and some that you agonize over for far too long!!  I never thought we would have to decide (and agree on) if we needed to cut Micah's hair before his first birthday!  Since we first laid eyes on Micah and saw his awesome head of hair,  we agreed we would cut it around his first birthday, if he needed it.  But seriously,  this hair is out of control!  It gets in his eyes and nose constantly, and I'm sure it tickles his face.  With family pictures, Santa pictures and holiday pictures all looming in the near future, we needed to make a decision.  We finally decided that we both love his crazy hair,  and that for now we would try to tame it and only give him a little trim in the front so it isn't in his I just have to work up the nerve to do it! Lol

When did you cut your little ones hair?  What finally nudge you to do it?  I'd love to hear your stories!!

Have a great day!

Monday, November 7, 2016

My New Hobby!

I have a new addiction...oops, I mean HOBBY!  I stumbled onto it completely randomly while watching some of my favorite Youtube vloggers.  I saw them doing it, and it just clicked!  Not only is it fun and creative, but helps me with that whole struggle to be organized. 🙄

My new hobby is Planning with Stickers - sounds boring right?!  Go look on Instagram, Pinterest or YouTube, I'll wait...🤔  I had no idea that using stickers to decorate your planner was a thing, but it is!!  And it is really popular, there is a whole planner community!  And the stickers 😍😍

Right now I am using a simple planner I got from a dollar store to practice, but I am excited to start using my new planner next year (which is so incredibly soon!).  It took me a few weeks to convince myself to splurge on a fancy planner, but I think it will really help me stay interested - well that and the stickers lol.

You can read more about my planner journey on Mommy Needs A Plan.  I have lots of ideas and thoughts that I'll sharing over there, but I'll be sure to do some planner posts on here as well!  I'm also on Instagram under that name,  so if you're interested come follow me!

Here is my spread for this past week, before I filled anything out.  #beforethepen #practiceplanner

I am so excited to start using my Erin Condren Lifeplanner in January!! 

If you want me to do a detailed post about what it looks like on the inside and the accessories I have - leave a comment!  I'm always happy to talk your ear off about it!

So, there you have it!  My weird new hobby, that will hopefully help me succeed in organizing my life! 😉😊

Have a great day!

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