One of the most unorganized things in our house is the mail. It comes in and usually ends up in a large pile somewhere downstairs, that moves to an even bigger pile somewhere upstairs, and eventually we get frustrated and then spend hours sorting it - and 80% could have been tossed as soon as it came inside! So, now that I will be at home I have decided to get serious about tackling that problem. After looking at a lot of different ideas, I decided I did not want to see the mail after it was sorted, and since I don't have a desk downstairs I needed a 'hidden' drawer. I found this great box at Michaels on sale (and the white one inside it). I spent around $12 for the whole set-up, but I could have easily used something from around the house and spent less - I just really wanted the box :) I decided to make it a 'desk in a box' and I plan to put my cards and notepads in there as well - as soon as I find them! I also printed a calendar for keeping track of due dates and other random things - I know it's very low tech but it is easy for me to sort the bills out and mark them down for both of us to see. I plan to add a calendar app or organization app to share on our phones (or maybe just Google Calendar) - but I haven't really figured out which one yet so this will work for now. I also have sections for shredding and things I want to look at or need attention later. Hopefully, this will help eliminate the chaos of not being able to find a specific letter, notice or bill (or you know - the money from Christmas that I found in a card last night...). When the box is shut you can't tell that it hides all our mail, and it makes me smile when I read it (which counteracts the whole paying the bills thing lol)

How do you organize your mail? I am obsessed with getting organized right now!! Lol
Have a great day!
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