
Monday, March 16, 2015

Closet Re-Organization

Now that I no longer need 'work clothes' and 'regular clothes' - I have been itching to go through my closet and purge everything I didn't want or need anymore.  I promised myself I would try to purge about half of my clothes...and if you don't count my sweaters I think I hit that mark Lol.  I think it probably equals out to about 1/3 of my clothes (I really like to wear sweaters instead of jackets with my outfits so I have a lot of them!) - so that wasn't too bad.  I still think I could get rid of more, but I just can't bring myself to get rid of clothes that both fit and that I like!!

Fancy hangers from here.
As an additional incentive to get rid of clothes - we bought new fancy wood hangers.  However, instead of buying the same amount that we already had, we only bought what we thought would be needed (except the clippy hangers for skirts - somehow we only ended up with one pack of 5 and I know I said I would need more of those).  It actually worked out almost perfect - we bought 50 of the regular hangers and I think I will buy one more 10 pack, and I need about 15 more clippy ones.

For some people 50 hangers might seem like a lot (and for some it will seem like a crazy small amount) but I want to make sure I didn't end up crowding all of my clothes together like they were before (you can see an example of what I mean in this post).  I used to have somewhere around 120 hangers!  After Eric hung up his collection of jackets - that left me with about 38 hangers (plus 4 clippy ones!) that means I had 1/3 of the number of hangers as before!!!  My palms were sweaty - but I was committed to at least trying to get down close to that number!  I did it - but I cheated just a little.  I combined outfits onto one hanger!  This actually solved 2 problems - the amount of hangers I needed and the amount of time it takes me to find an outfit I like!  Now I just choose a whole outfit at once.  The only exceptions are my jeans and a black skirt - because both items have more than one top that works with them.  I'm very happy with the outcome and I hope it will continue to work for me!! 

Here is my closet after:

From the yellow jacket to the right is my jeans, black skirt and individual tops - and to the left of the yellow jacket are the completed outfits.  You can see which hangers still need to be replaced :)  The funniest part is I have all those clothes I want to keep but I only wear them when I am leaving the house!  Here's what I will actually be wearing most of the time...

I am a creature of comfort for sure!!  LOL

Have a great day!

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