
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Square Foot Gardening

Yesterday, I mentioned that I am planning to use a Square Foot Garden Plan for my new garden.  This is one of about 5 million ways you can garden, but this is the one I find most interesting.  Basically, you lay a grid out and plant everything in it's own square - how much you plant depends on the spacing it needs.  I have done this in small ways in the past, but never as an entire garden.  I am excited to see if it works as well as the book claims :)  I will also need to keep myself from 'cheating' too badly - I am always tempted to put in some extra something (like adding carrots or garlic in the corners of some of the squares- which I am totally doing lol).  There are some things that I am not sure about, but all I can do is try and see how it goes!!     
Anyone else spend an unhealthy amount of time staring at seed catalogs??  I can't wait for Spring!
Have a great day!

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