
Monday, February 23, 2015

Big Changes are Coming!

Change is such a hard thing for me - especially when I have a plan and it changes unexpectedly!!  I like to plan - it's my thing - but I also try to keep an open mind.  Life isn't really good at following my plans :)  One thing Eric and I have always done is to set short and long term goals together, and we constantly re-evaluate where we are and if they are still valid goals.  This has helped us meet a lot of our goals, both individually and as a couple, over the last 17 years. 

Sometimes, something happens and it changes all of our short term goals - which is what happened a little over a week ago!!  One of our goals was for me to 'retire' this year (which just sounds silly).  This was a goal for closer to the end of the year, but in 5 short days I will no longer be working outside of the house!!  After a week of jitters, anxiety and 'oh man's - I am to the 'so excited I just can't wait stage'!!  Originally, I was hoping for the "Stay at Home Mom" title, but for now it will just be "Housewife" (which Eric really dislikes, so I'm open to other title suggestions lol).

So, what does this mean for me?  Hopefully I will be able to do more sewing/craft projects, work on the blog more, do more to help our house projects along faster, organize my house and keep everything clean!!  I already have lots of plans and I can't wait to get started!!  Maybe my kitchen will stay clean for longer than 3 days?!  Here's hoping!

Have a great day!

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