
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Getting Ready for Starters!

It seems a little crazy to be talking about getting starter plants ready in the middle of January - but it's true!!  According to this workbook - I'm actually a little late in getting started!  Luckily not by much,  since most of the first few weeks are about looking at your stored supplies and planning your next year out.  I have been doing a little of that here and there, but now it is time to get serious lol...
As part of my planning, I have been reading a lot of information about growing a lot of food in small spaces - Square Foot gardening, Vertical gardening and Companion gardening - including the book above.  I haven't made it all the way through yet (I'm really looking forward to getting to the plot designs lol), but I came across an idea about starters that I hope will help me.  I have a horrible time keeping my starters alive - I skipped them last year and it worked but I didn't have any early crops.  This wont work for my plan to provide most of our veggies in a few years, so I have to find a process that works for me.  In this book the writer recommends planting your seeds in toilet paper rolls.  The rolls allow you to grow more for the space (four rolls fit into one of the containers I plan to use), the rolls are also taller than normal so the roots will have room to grow nice and deep.  The biggest plus is that you plant the rolls directly into the ground and they break apart and compost, so you don't have to disturb the roots when transplanting them...yes, please!  I am going to be trying this for my starters this year, so I will do a follow up post to see how it goes. 
Anyone else getting ready for Sping Planting?  It's coming up so fast!
Have a great day!

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