
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Our Christmas Trees

Here is a look at our Christmas Trees this year.  We had a lot of fun using new decorations!!

Beth's Tree:

I am so excited that I actually got to put my tree up this year!!  I wasn't able to get all of our ornaments out, but I did have fun making ornaments (even if they didn't turn out).  I wanted to keep it simple - and I think I did a pretty good job!  The angel doesn't really go with the rest of the tree, but I didn't want to buy a new one - I may own a few (like 3 or 4) and this was the best match.  I hope everyone had as much fun as I did getting their trees ready this year!

Felicia's Tree:

 This year we put up our little tree. Other than the skirt I had nothing to decorate it with. So I went to the store and found these cute battery operated low heat lights. I found a box of small ornaments in several colors and the other red and green. I let Xander pick which one. I let him decorate it too. Then I had to rearrange them, the cat has been playing with them and biting the strings until they break. Luckily they came with one whole extra string. So Hopefully I have them high enough or I will have to break out the twine if she gets them again. I have always like this little area, but now the tree has really made it my favorite spot!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Three Peas Create


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