
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's Officially Christmas

I have been working on some fun things for Christmas - unfortunately I can't share any of them since I am using them for a few future posts with the other Peas - and there may be a few christmas presents mixed in too.  I don't want to ruin the surprise!! 

Since I have been focusing on those projects I don't have anything fun to share except this...

This probably isn't as exciting for you as it is for me - it is the first time since we bought our house that we have gotten our big tree out to decorate!!  I am so excited!!  One of the things I have been working on this week is making ornaments - we got the tree out of the black hole, but the decorations may be lost forever...
I can't wait to get it all decked out - maybe tonight?!
Have a great day!
p.s. The top is all smooshed so the angel will fit - it looks funny but it's temporary. :)

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