
Friday, November 14, 2014

Freezing but no snow...yet

It has been so cold here lately! We have been in high 20's low 30's where we live in Washington. It has been clear and sunny, just very cold. Beth, Jamie and I have been debating whether it should snow or not. Jamie and I feel if it's this cold it should snow. Beth thinks it shouldn't because she still has to go to work and drive in it. I don't blame her! When it is this cold and if it snows I like to be at home safe and sound. Especially with a warm drink, like a mocha, and a blanket. I don't know about you, my favorite snow moment is just as it turns dark. You walk outside and look around and see the warm glow from homes and snow falling it is so quite!

What's your favorite winter or snow moment you look forward to?

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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