
Friday, October 3, 2014

Oh Boy....

Purple flowers make me happy!

Sorry I'm putting this out late, had a hard morning.

My son kicked me on the forehead. It was during his therapy, he was getting anxious and I know he didn't mean it, boy does it hurt. Other than that I'm so proud of all of the hard work he does. We just came from the park and our neighbor's mom said that "he is one of the good ones." We hear that a lot, it's so nice to hear every time. He is communicating so well now. I remember the first day I got a response out of him, I cried, now I can't keep him quite. I'm so grateful for everyone of his therapist and family/friends that have encouraged him. He is an amazing boy.

It's great to see all this hard work he is putting into himself. I was told it's going to be a lot of dedication and hard work, but it will pay off. It sure did. I just have to say, if you have a little one out there and you're wondering if Autism therapy, OT/PT, and speech/feeding is the right choice. If you have the insurance to support it, I say at least give it a try. Especially in Autism therapy do as much as your little one can take, the more the better in this instances. I've heard that the best years for learning are up until 6 years. Pack as much as you can by the time they are 6. I can see the desire for Xander to learn as much as he can is there in his eyes. I'm so glad he loves to learn.

I just have to say that when I sat down to Blog. I was just going to talk about getting kicked in the head and say that I'm tapped out. My thought's kind of just exploded here. I sure hope you have a great weekend!

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