
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Closet...Part 34

I was hoping that this post would have a picture of a completed closet, but obviously that is not the case...and yet there are clothes hanging up?!  Here's the funny story about that...

Originally, we were planning to finish the small bits and pieces of the closet on Saturday -so we could paint it all on Sunday.  Well, we weren't able to do any work on it on Saturday - bummer.  Instead, we ended up finishing those bits and pieces on Sunday.  When we were all done, we were admiring it from the bed and discussing how we wanted to paint it (because we changed our minds again).  All of a sudden we heard these funny noises - and at first we blamed the cat (who doesn't - our cat is crazy) but then Eric looked over and the closet rack we were using was slowly falling/leaning over and was about halfway to the floor!!  After 3 years it finally gave up and broke : /

So, we jumped up and moved all the clothes to the closet - which we had thankfully finished less than an hour before!!  (This should explain why they are all jumbled in there - they will not be staying like this lol)   

As you can see we hadn't even completely cleaned up yet, but I was glad I didn't have to leave them in a pile on the floor.

And about that change I mentioned - we were planning to paint the whole thing white, but changed our minds to this...
Closet from here.
It's hard to see from the picture of our closet but it is really nice as natural wood - and we were surprised at how much we liked it.  So we thought it might look pretty cool as a two-tone with the inside natural wood and the front trim white.  This picture actually made our minds up - so we are definitely doing this now :) (As an extra bonus it means less painting lol)

I'm excited to finish this project so I have something else to talk about - I'm sure you are too!!

Have a great day!

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