
Friday, September 19, 2014

Spending time with friends

My son and I are over at our friends house. This place has become a second home to us. They have a little trailer for us to stay in when we come over. I have joked about putting a sign up saying it's mine. Every time I come here she makes the bed and puts in fresh flowers, it's so inviting! Christie has been like a sister to me. She has 5 wonderful kids that I have seen growing up over the years. I like to come over here for Xander, my son, he gets a great dose of a big family. He comes here and just makes him self at home. Other than my home it's the one place I don't have to get worried that he will get into something he shouldn't. There are things like that here, he just knows not to get into certain things. She keeps her main room kid friendly which is where he normally is. Coming here for me is like a vacation, sometimes I come to bake or cook which is a lot of fun. We are preparing for her son's birthday party. We're keeping it simple which we have learned over the years. I still have some problems but I have dialed back some so there's improvement. When Christie and I were in high school we took a culinary class which resulted in us cartering. I don't know why I didn't realize that I love to cook then. In our class we worked on decorating cakes. I think we did well. Christie has the control touch. I bake really well so we thought we could someday own our own bakery, she make things look pretty and I'll help make them taste delicious. These kids birthdays are our practice for our bakery. My husband, Jerry, is traveling so it all worked out to come down here.

We'll we have to get back to things! Have a great weekend!

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