
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cinnamon Roll Cake...Kind of

Yesterday I saw a post on Facebook that Felicia shared - Cinnamon Roll Cake from here.  The picture looked delicious and when I showed it to Eric he wanted to make it right away.  So we did - and my picture isn't quite the same...

There could be a few different reasons it didn't turn out quite right - I mean we were both putting in the ingredients (I was making dinner and helping Eric make this at the same time) so maybe one of us missed a scoop of flour or maybe he forgot to add all 4 tsp of baking powder (or any at all)...I will definitely be making it again because it has the potential to be awesome, but for now it is just like a dense coffee cake.  We will eat it because it tastes okay - it just wasn't what I wanted lol.  Also, we made two changes - we added raisins (because all good cinnamon rolls have raisins) and we didn't add the icing (mostly because we wanted to eat it right away and we were too tired to make icing by the time we ate dinner and made this). 

I think I am going to try this again over the weekend, so I will let you know if I get a different result.

Have a great weekend!

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