
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

It's a Numbers Game!

This is what we did for Easter this year - we cut the drawer boxes out for Eric's desk.  I know, I know - my life is filled with super exciting stuff! Lol...While usually I would just say "Hey, we built these boxes" and move on, I thought it would be fun to breakdown what we did - mostly because I think it is crazy how much we had to do just to get 8 drawer boxes.

We started with 1 4'x8' sheet of 3/4" plywood and did all this for the sides:

You know I can't resist showing off my mad excel skills!
 4 strips cut to fit into the car (3 – we didn’t cut these but I’m counting them because they took forever)
4 strips cut twice for accuracy to the correct widths (8)
32 cuts to make 32 boards (32)
16 boards routered at both ends – 32 ends w/2 passes (64)
32 boards routered along the bottom for insert – 2 passes each (64)

Then, for the bottoms we used 1/4" plywood.

4 strips cut once (4)
8 cuts to make 8 bottoms (8)
8 recuts because somehow they were too long (8)
8 more recuts because they were too wide as well (8)

Total number of times we cut/routered on Sunday: 199 (Ok - 196, but I'm still counting the ones done at HD - They really did take forever to make 3 cuts)

Eric wanted to keep working on them so on Monday he drilled all of the holes needed to assemble them. 

4 holes per board on 16 boards (64)

2 extra holes on the 8 front boards to attach the drawer face (16)
Counter sinking every hole so it lays flat (80)

Total number of holes drilled: 160

Eric also sanded every board on all 6 sides.

Total number of sides sanded: 240

So, we have handled the boards to make the drawers 599 times...seems like a lot for such a small pile :)   

We are crossing our fingers the weather is decent on Saturday so we can clearcoat them, so it is a bit of a sprint this week to finish them up.  We just have to finish assembling them, add edging to the tops, sand them again, clear coat them and install them.  Then we need to cut and paint the face fronts...It never seems to end lol  

Side note:  I seriously thought about adding an extra cut somewhere - that odd number is driving me crazy :)

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