
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Where did all the marshmallows go?

I have a bit of a standing joke at the house. If you go potty - you get marshmallows. This is mostly for my son, who is learning to use the potty. I started giving him mini Oreo's for going potty, but the marshmallows work better. One day I bought some marshmallows and Xander wanted a corn dog for his dinner. So he was bartering with me, first he wanted 3 marshmallows and some how he got up to six. He said "first corn dog then six marshmallows", I said "yes" now every time he gets a corn dog he can't help but say "then six marshmallows". He stopped saying it because he wasn't always getting them - It was so cute though! 

The marshmallows turned out to be a highly motivated reason to go potty. I started leaving them out on the dining room table where my son passes throughout the day. One day he started asking to go potty so that he can have his special treat. It worked! 

One day, I was getting marshmallows for my son and they were dried out. Then I noticed there we're bite marks in the bag. I threw it out and got a new bag. I covered up the new bag, but that defeated the purpose plus it didn't work. I ended up throwing out another new bag that had bite marks. For now I have a plastic jug with a lid and a spout. I was hoping the marshmallows would pour out but they get stuck. I want to get a small glass candy or cookie jars with lids so my son can see them easily. Beth's cat loves marshmallows so I checked to see if Hannah does and she ate it, I couldn't believe it. So now I know - don't keep marshmallows out or the cat will eat them. That is so strange to me! 

1 comment:

  1. That is funny that Hannah ate the marshmallows, she is such a weirdo.
