
Monday, March 10, 2014

It's a swing...and a miss

This weekend I thought I would try something I have been reading about for awhile - making liquid soap out of bar soap.  It isn't one of those things I am trying to finding a better price for - I can find a pretty decent price for decent hand soap pretty much anywhere - but I thought it would be fun.  I also really wanted to use this homemade soap I got as a gift awhile back.  I asked my mom for a bar of this great soap that smells like sweet peas (one of my favorite scents) made at The Soap Crate - she got me a brick!  It is way more than I will ever use because I prefer liquid soap, but I thought it would be great to use for this.  So I found a couple different sites and they all pretty much said the same thing - 1 bar of soap, shredded, dissolved in 10 cups of water.  That seems a little too easy, but lets try it!

So I started shredding the Sweet Pea soap...It was soo pretty and it smelled heavenly!!

And then I added it to the water (I used 5 cups instead of 10 since I did not want a lot of left over soap to store until I knew it would work) and heated it until it was disolved...

It was completely clear and as thin as water...umm...I wasn't sure that was right so I thought maybe I should add another bar of soap.  This time I added a bar of Kirk's Original Coco Castile Soap...It looked exactly the same.  Ok then - what does the internet say?  Lot's of people had this issue - about half of them said to let it sit overnight and it would "gel" by mornig.  12 hours later...nope still water.  Other people had said you need to add disolved salt, still nada.  Ok, one more try and then I am ditching it for now.  The last thing I tried was to boil the extra water out.  I probably went a little overboard, but it did finally start looking like hand soap...for about an hour...then it looked like this...

Now it was too solid and was it looked like snot when you put it on your hand lol

So yeah - it didn't work out so well.  It does clean your hands, and I love how it smells and makes my hands feel, but it wont come out of the pump.  That was kind of the whole point!

I do have a plan though - I am going to make the original watery soap and use it in one of those foaming soap pumps.  I think it will be perfect for that!  Now I just need to find one that's empty...

Anyone else have a project not work out?  It would have been stressful, but I just wanted to try it for fun so that helped :) 

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