
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

All sorts of confused today...

Last week I talked about my kiddo and the scare of pink eye. I cancelled all of my appointments, and I'm glad I did - he needed it! The strange thing was, it didn't get worse and it was gone by the next morning. I took him to the doctors anyways. They thought maybe it was just congestion that backed up into his eyes, and they gave us a prescription just in case. He did well. By Friday he was starting to get his spunk back and on Saturday he wanted to get out. By then I was not doing so well, so I went to Urgent Care and I (who couldn't stop rubbing my eyes-me) got pink eye. I put drops in my eye and in no time I was feeling better.

This is why I truly haven't been feeling well. Last summer I was catching every cold, which is not like me. I ended up going to an ENT and he discovered I was having reflux - which was irritating my esophagus and causing me to cough and create mucus. This also left my body unguarded and I got sick soo much. I ran out of my reflux medicine last week and I got sick - which didn't help the pink eye thing. All this sickness has scrambled my brain!

My New Year's Resolution was to be ahead of the game. I was all sorts of confused today. I was set on it being Valentine's Day. It's not. I'm so relieved because now I'm ahead of the game this time. I have brownies baked that need to go into the refrigerator, then be cut tomorrow. I think I will make sugar cookies with Xander, using Beth's recipe on Friday.

I also made really cute Valentine's Day treats for my son's preschool class. The instructions are here.

Even though it has been a rollercoaster of fun and craziness this last week I couldn't be happier. I love my family and I hope you have wonderful Valentine's Day on what ever day you spend it on!

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