
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sometimes Life Gets in the Way

Well, it's three weeks into the New Year and I'm already behind on my New Years Resolutions *sigh* Anyone who knows me is just chuckling, but really even I am surprised I'm only 3 weeks late. I was all fired up to start all 3 resolutions on the first, but then this happened (Poor Winda got a flea - JUST ONE - but the stupid thing bit her like 30 times. So then I spent an entire weekend giving her a bath, brushing her out, doing laundry and cleaning), and then that happened (Somehow I pulled a muscle in my neck - not being able to look left or right without a lot of pain makes moving a little hard).  As any good procrastinator knows, this and that are always good reasons to wait to do something...we deserve a nap first...right? So now here we are - almost through January and I am finally getting this show on the road, well maybe just backing out of the driveway...

First, My 2014 Resolutions:

1. Start Blogging! - It's been far too long that we have been talking about doing this blog - we are doing it! 

2. Get in Shape! - This is the year. I have to start working out and eating better. I am not expecting miracles, I would just really like to lose some weight and create a better eating habit.

3. Finish Projects! - We have so many things going on all the time, but this year we agreed we would finish all of our outstanding projects before starting any new ones.

Those seemed like doable resolutions - until the whole flea, neck, procrastinator fiasco of 2013...Now I am mostly healed and the dog is keeping 2 feet away so I leave her alone and I just want to do it already so it's on!  Where do I stand?  Resolution 1 - This post gets me started!  Woot Woot!  Resolution 2 - Well I was supposed to start on Saturday but I moved it to tonight instead.  Resolution 3 - We actually started this a little early - Yay us!  The first project we want to finish is Eric's office. We are currently building the desk - and someday it will get put together so I can share the pictures! We have a pretty big list of house projects to finish this year, not even including all the things I like to do on the side (like the one I plan to share on Thursday that I did last year).  Hopefully, we will not only get all of our projects done but I will be prompt about posting them. Umm...maybe promptish?  Happy Belated New Years! 

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